- Document: CEMA_Antitrust_Guidelines_2021.pdf
CEMA Antitrust Guidelines
CEMA is a trade association which aims to raise awareness among EU and national political decision makers about agricultural machinery. In doing so, CEMA members are committed to ensuring strict compliance with national and European competition laws.
The objective of these guidelines is to ensure that CEMA members are aware of the requirements laid down in article 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (see Annex) and that their activities within CEMA are at all times in compliance with these requirements as well as relevant national laws that may apply in countries in which they are active.
Should at any point in time a question arise about the compliance of a discussion or action within CEMA, the Secretariat invites members to raise this immediately and to seek legal advice as appropriate.
For this purpose,
- CEMA members shall be aware of the provisions laid down in article 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as well as relevant national competition laws that may apply in countries in which they are active.
- Discussions within CEMA shall only serve the legitimate purpose of the association and shall not result in sharing commercially sensitive information. For this purpose, all meetings shall follow a pre-established written agenda; the Secretariat will prepare minutes promptly after the meeting in line with the CEMA statutes.
- CEMA members may only share certain information with the Secretariat, provided that this information relates to non-commercially sensitive issues, such as historical data, technical information, general industry studies, market research, scientific information, positions on policy and regulatory issues relating to agricultural machinery.
- Participation in CEMA meetings and activities is voluntary, and failure to participate must not be used to penalise any member.
- Each CEMA member, including any new member, will be provided with a copy of these guidelines.
References to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union can be found HERE