Benefits of Smart Farm Machines
Modern farm machines are seen as a main driver for increased sustainability, efficiency and competitiveness in farming nowadays. Smart technologies, developed by the industry, have proven to reduce the impact of farming practices in EU agriculture. The European agricultural machinery industry is fully committed to produce machines that on top of being the main working tools for the farming community, can help in solving environmental challenges while increasing productivity and bringing economic benefits for all actors involved. The key words for the industry are fast, accurate, versatile and intelligent. Crucial actions to achieve the expected results involve measuring, transferring and receiving, analysing, and acting accordingly.
Reducing CO2 emissions: the potential of modern agricultural & construction machinery
Reducing GreenHouse Gas emissions (GHG) and adapting to the consequences of climate change has become a global task and one of the major challenges for the years to come. CEMA and CECE collaborated t ...
Cutting ammonia emissions from agriculture
Traditional manure spreading techniques result in major nitrogen loss, mainly in the shape of ammonia emissions into the air. Ammonia (NH3) emissions negatively impact air quality as particulate matter, and contributes to acid deposition and eutrophication in other areas thereby leading to potential changes occurrin ...
Promote the use of bioenergy in agricultural machinery
Several new innovative models already exist to power agricultural machines with bio-based energy produced directly in a decentralized manner on the farm. Apart from significant GHG emission reductions, such schemes have multiple secondary benefits ...
Unleashing the potential of modern farm equipment for the Circular Economy
Benefits, barriers and recommendations to encourage sustainable agricultural systems in Europe
The European agricultural machinery industry represented by CEMA fully supports the concept of promoting the transition to ...