Ambitious programme presented for the Council Presidency semester 


On 1st July Germany started its semester of Presidency of the Council of the European Union, taking over from Croatia. On 8th July German Chancellor Angela Merkel went to Brussels to present Germany’s programme and its objectives to the European Parliament.

The priorities identified are:

  • overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic permanently, as well as the economic recovery
  • a stronger and more innovative Europe
  • a fair Europe
  • a sustainable Europe
  • a Europe of security and common values
  • a strong Europe in the world.

The strict link between addressing the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic recovery implies that one cannot be achieved without the other. Actions, underlines Germany, should be undertaken for the medium and long term, with recovery measures that leverage the transformation processes already ongoing such as an ever increasing digitalization, but also the novelties in the world of work, keeping a close eye on the need to tackle global challenges like climate change with targeted strategies such as the European Green Deal.

A key tool to achieve these goals and unlock the innovative potential of Europe will be a swift approval of the new Multiannual Financial Framework (the budget of the European Union for 2021-2027) and the establishment of an effective Recovery Fund. The German Presidency therefore also aims at concluding the negotiations on the new Common Agriculture Policy.

The German programme also takes into account the global dimension, which includes a common EU policy towards China and the establishment of a more level playing field when it comes to trade with Beijing, a modernization of the WTO, but also the ongoing negotiations with the UK, with the aim of reaching a successful conclusion of the Brexit process by the end of the year.

A complete overview of the German Presidency programme can be found here.