
Internet of Food and Farm 2020

Start date: 1 January 2017

End date: 31 December 2020


In a nutshell:

The IoF2020 is an European Union’s Horizon 2020 project is dedicated to accelerate adoption of IoT for securing sufficient, safe and healthy food and to strengthen competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe. The projects brings together 73 partners, including CEMA and individual manufacturers, such as 365FarmNet, CNH Industrial, Grimme, Kverneland. The coordination of the project is in hands of Wageningen University with the overall budget of € 34 234 990,42. The heart of the project is formed by 19 use cases grouped in 5 trials with end users from the Arable, Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables and Meat verticals and IoT integrators that will demonstrate the business case of innovative IoT solutions for a large number of application areas involving different stakeholders.


 The project intends to:

  • Demonstrate the business case of IoT for a large number of application areas in farming and food;
  • Integrate and reuse available IoT technologies by exploiting open architectures and standards;
  • Ensure user acceptability of IoT solutions in farming and food by addressing user needs, including security, privacy and trust;
  • Ensure the sustainability of IoT solutions beyond the project by validating the related business models and setting up an IoT Ecosystem for large scale take-up.


CEMA’s role:

CEMA, in its role of European Association, is member of the Pilot Implementation Board (PIB) which allows a close follow-up of future IoF2020 activities.

In particular, the PIB closely follows the procedures for the planning, launching and managing of the Open Call. The main objective of the Open Call is to increase the scale and impact of the IoF2020 initiative: for doing so, the Open Call will allow new use case teams with highly impactful and market-ready IoT innovations to join the IoF2020 team. All the IoF2020 Use cases are also available on the IoT Catalogue platform.


Check more on this unique project and follow IoF2020 on social networks:



EU flagThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884

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To advance agricultural machinery and solutions for sustainable farming, CEMA focuses on a number of priorities. Agriculture 4.0 and Smart Farm Machines are drivers for efficiency and competitiveness in modern sustainable farming. EU Regulations must however be appropriate, harmonizing the rules without burdening the sector with excessive administrative and technical requirements. Through the participation to selected EU projects and initiatives, our industry contributes to innovation in the agri-food chain. The European farm equipment industry is a leading technology provider for farmers worldwide and is part of the solution to feed a growing world population. 


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